An inexpensive insurance policy to protect your investment. Proper filtration is key to fuel system performance. Engineered filter solutions are required to achieve protection with minimum restriction. For 200 _ 3,000 plus HP applications, Aeromotive filter assemblies offer unmatched flow, ease of installation and maintenance, along with the impeccable machining and finish youÃve come to expect from all Aeromotive components.
´ -High-flow, 100-micron stainless steel (coarse) cleanable element. Flows 2,000 lb/hr with a pressure drop of less than .15 PSI.
´ -ORB-12 ports. Fittings available to adapt these filters to AN-12,
-10 line sizes.
´ -Pro-Series filters feature an indestructible electroless nickel finish.
´ -7î long x 2.5î diameter.